AQUACEL® Ag+ -sidokset
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AQUACEL® Ag+ -sidoksissa yhdistyvät AQUACEL®Ag+ -teknologia sekä Hydrofiber®-teknologia, jotka taistelevat yhdessä haavan paranemisen yleisimpiä haasteita vastaan 1-8
- Physical Disruption of Biofilm by AQUACEL® Ag+ Wound Dressing. Scientific Background Report. WHRI3850 MA232, 2013, Data on file, ConvaTec Inc.
- Antimicrobial activity and prevention of biofilm reformation by AQUACEL™ Ag+ EXTRA dressing. Scientific Background Report. WHRI3857 MA236, 2013, Data on file, ConvaTec Inc.
- Antimicrobial activity against CA-MRSA and prevention of biofilm reformation by AQUACEL™ Ag+ EXTRA dressing. Scientific Background Report. WHRI3875 MA239, 2013, Data on file, ConvaTec Inc.
- Newman GR, Walker M, Hobot JA, Bowler PG, 2006. Visualisation of bacterial sequestration and bacterial activity within hydrating Hydrober™ wound dressings. Biomaterials; 27: 1129-1139.
- Walker M, Hobot JA, Newman GR, Bowler PG, 2003. Scanning electron microscopic examination of bacterial immobilization in a carboxymethyl cellulose (AQUACEL™) and alginate dressing. Biomaterials; 24: 883-890.
- Bowler PG, Jones SA, Davies BJ, Coyle E, 1999. Infection control properties of some wound dressings. J. Wound Care; 8: 499-502.
- Walker M, Bowler PG, Cochrane CA, 2007. In vitro studies to show sequestration of matrix metalloproteinases by silver-containing wound care products. Ostomy/Wound Management. 2007; 53: 18-25.
- Assessment of the in vitro Physical Properties of AQUACEL EXTRA, AQUACEL Ag EXTRA and AQUACEL Ag+ EXTRA dressings. Scientific background report. WHRIA3817 TA297, 2013, Data on file, ConvaTec Inc
- Bjarnsholt T, 2013. The role of bacterial biofilms in chronic infections. APMIS. 121. 1-51.
- James GA, Swogger E, Wolcott R, Pulcini EL, Secor P, Sestrich J, et al, 2008. Biofilms in Chronic Wounds. Wound Rep Regen; 16: 37-44.
- Metcalf D, Bowler P, 2013. Biofilm delays wound healing: A review of the evidence. Burns & Trauma. 1: 5-12.
- Percival SL, Bowler PG, 2004. Biofilms and their potential role in wound healing. WOUNDS, 16: 234-240.
- Walker M.; Metcalf D.; Parsons, D.; Bowler P. A real-life clinical evaluation of a next-generation antimicrobial dressing on acute and chronic wounds. Journal of Wound Care 2015; 24:1, 11-22.
- Wolcott RD, Rumbaugh KP, James G, Schultz G, Phillips P, Yang O, et al, 2010. Biofilm maturity studies indicate sharp debridement opens a time-dependent therapeutic window. J Wound Care; 19: 320-328.
- Wolcott RD, Kennedy JP, Dowd SE, 2009. Regular debridement is the main tool for maintaining a healthy wound bed in most chronic. J Wound Care; 18: 54-56.
- Hurlow, J., Couch, K., Laforet, K., Bolton, L., Metcalf, D., Bowler, P. Clinical Biofilms: A Challenging Frontier in Wound Care. Advances in Wound Care, DOI: 10.1089/wound.2014.0567
- Hurlow J, Bowler PG. Potential implications of biofilm in chronic wounds: a case series. J Wound Care 2012;21:38–49.
- Lenselink E, Andriessen A. A cohort study on the efficacy of a polyhexanide-containing biocellulose dressing in the treatment of biofilms in wounds. J Wound Care 2011;20:534–539.
- Composition comprising antimicrobial metal ions and a quaternary cationic surfactant. Scientific Background Report. WO 2012136968 A1, 2012, Data on file, ConvaTec Inc.
- Bowler PG, Welsby S, Towers V, Booth V, Hogarth A, Rowlands V, Joseph A, et al, 2012. Multidrug-resistant organisms, wounds and topical antimicrobial protection. Int Wound J. 9: 387-396.
- Walker M and Parsons D, 2010. Hydrofiber Technology: its role in exudate management. Wounds UK; 6: 31-38. 32.
- Parsons D, Bowler PG, Myles V, Jones SA, 2005 Silver antimicrobial dressings in wound management: A comparison of antibacterial, physical and chemical characteristics. WOUNDS; 17: 222-232.
- Jones SA, Bowler PG, Walker M, 2005. Antimicrobial activity of silver-containing dressings is influenced by dressing conformability with a wound surface. WOUNDS; 17: 263-270.
- Bowler P, Jones S, Towers V, Booth R, Parsons D, Walker M, 2010. Dressing conformability and silver-containing wound dressings. Wounds UK; 6: 14-20.
- Walker M, Jones S, Parsons D, Booth R, Cochrane C, Bowler P, 2011. Evaluation of low-adherent antimicrobial dressings. Wounds UK; 7: 32-45.
- Barnea Y, Armir A, Leshem D, Zaretski A, Weiss J, Shafir R, et al, 2004. Clinical comparative study of Aquacel and paraffin gauze dressing for split-skin donor site treatment. Ann Plast Surg; 53: 132-136.
- Kogan L, Moldavsky M, Szvalb S, Govrin-Yehudain J, 2004. Comparative study of Aquacel and Silverol treatment in burns. Ann Burns Fire Disasters; 17: 201-207.
- Brunner U, Eberlein T, 2000. Experiences with hydrofibres in the moist treatment of chronic wounds, in particular of diabetic foot. VASA; 29: 253-257.
- Assessment of the in vitro physical properties of AQUACEL Ag, AQUACEL Ag EXTRA and AQUACEL Ag+ Dressings, Scientific Background Report. WHRI3817 TA297, 2013, Data on file, ConvaTec Inc.
- Harding K, Ivans N, Cains J, An
opened randomized comparative study to evaluate the clinical and economic performance of two absorbent dressings in venus leg ulcers. Poster presented at EWMA; May 15-17 2013; Copenhagen, Denmark. - Harding, K., Posnett, J., Vowden, K (2012). A new methodology for costing wound care. Int Wound J 2012; 10: 6, 623–629.
- Harding KG, Szczepkowski M, Mikosi ski J, Twardowska-Saucha K, Blair S, Ivins NM, Saucha W, Cains J, Peters K, Parsons D, Bowler P. Safety and performance evaluation of a next-generation antimicrobial dressing in patients with chronic venous leg ulcers. Int Wound J 2015; doi: 10.1111/iwj.12450